Dr. Cheryl Woods Giscombe
Author. Scientist. Consultant. Speaker
I am health scientist with over 100 publications and presentations about mind-body health and wellness, mindfulness, quality of life, and joy! I love helping others through sharing what I have learned as a social and health psychologist, a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner, and a holistic health consultant. My passion is mentoring and improving the health and wellness of people so they can be their best selves! My research has focused mostly on reducing undesirable health conditions that are related to how we experience and cope with stress.
I know you will love reading The Black Woman’s Guide to Coping with Stress: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Skills to Create a Life of Joy and Well-Being. It has been a true labor of love to develop this book, which is based on over two decades of my research focused on understanding and resolving stress and undesirable stress-related health outcomes among Black women. I have focused on this group, because Black women experience high rates of stress-related health conditions. As you read and share this book with your family members and friends, may the information within its pages enhance joy and well-being for generations to come.
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The Black Woman’s Guide to Coping with Stress (newharbinger.com)
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About The Author
Dr. Cheryl Woods Giscombe is the Melissa and Harry LeVine Family Distinguished Term Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing with a secondary faculty appointment (Professor) in the Department of Social Medicine at the UNC School of Medicine. She is a psychiatric nurse practitioner, social and health psychologist, and certified holistic health coach.
Dr. Giscombe is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the National Academy of Medicine, the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, and the Mind & Life Institute. She has also served on Advisory Committees of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the American Nurses Association, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the American Psychological Association, the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, and the National Institute on Nursing Research on topics related to well-being and health professions education, the resilience of healthcare professionals, health equity, and mental health. Dr. Giscombe is an Inaugural Fellow/Design Partner for the Harvard Macy Institute’s Art Museum-Based Health Professions Education Fellowship.
Dr. Giscombe’s research focuses on biopsychosocial factors that influence health and health disparities through psychological stress and coping pathways. Her research has been consistently funded since 2004 by the American Psychological Association, the Josiah Macy Institute, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Giscombe has been appointed to two National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Review Committees and the AAMC commissioned committee on the Fundamental Role of the Arts and Humanities in Medical Education. Dr. Giscombe is the previous President of the International Society of Psychiatric Nurses, and she serves as a collaborator for a WHO/PAHO project investigating nursing research capacity in the Caribbean.
Dr. Giscombe is currently one of the Principal Investigators of the Harmony Study (NIMHD R01) and an NCCIH T32 Training Program in Integrative Health, which is focused on training fellows from underrepresented backgrounds. She has expertise in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and other reflective practices designed to generate self-reflection and compassion for self and others. Dr. Giscombe is also a standing member and newly appointed Chair of the Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Emotions, Stress, and Health Study Section of NIH. As a Josiah Macy Faculty Scholar, Dr. Giscombe developed the Interprofessional Leadership Institute for Behavioral Health Equity. In addition, she is a founding Executive Committee Member and Director of Clinical Sciences for the International Society of Contemplative Research.
Dr. Giscombe serves as the Director of the Giscombe Health, Equity, and Arts Lab. Her research, practice, and teaching activities integrate mindfulness practices in clinical, community, and educational settings to promote optimal health, well-being, and equity for all. She is the author of The Black Woman’s Guide to Coping with Stress: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Skills to Create a Life of Joy and Well-Being (New Harbinger, 2024).
Dr. Giscombe is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, North Carolina Central University, Stony Brook University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Giscombé is particularly grateful for her immediate family, her extended family, friends, and mentors who support and inspire her both professionally and personally.

Dr. Cheryl Woods Giscombe
for Speaker
and Book-Signing Events
If you would like to invite Dr. Cheryl Woods Giscombe to speak at your in-person or virtual event, pease use the contact information below. Please also use this information for scheduling book-sigining events. The Black Woman’s Guide to Coping with Stress: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Skills to Create a Life of Joy and Well-Being (The New Harbinger Voices for Change Series) is available at local bookstores and via Amazon.
Publisher's Book Link:
The Black Woman’s Guide to Coping with Stress (newharbinger.com)
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